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Our Journey......

Not long after the pand​emic started, our journey began. 

During this time, we realized that self-care became more necessary than it was optional.  Spending so much time at home with love one​s, we found it vital to find quality time to spend alone. With all the spas, nail salons, hair salons, retail stores and restaurants being closed, our therapeutic outlets were limited. Since there was no place to gather for fun and relaxation, we had more than enough time to create ways to pamper ourselves. We would 

get on the phone and talk about the different ways we could care for ourselves without leaving home. 

Our talks, including our love for flowers, nature and self-care collided and Josie Phene was born. Now we are here, to offer you the luxury of partaking in a wonderful pampering experience.

We’ve loved every minute of our journey!

Meet Josie Phene

Josie Phene is every woman who came before us; laying the foundation of the importance of self-care. She's every woman that continues to carry the torch that shines through t​he women who gives us hope and shares the love of caring for themselves as a mandated self-anthem. 

Josie Phene is our mothers, grandmothers, aunts, close friends and other women who have taught us that self-care is something​ you do regardless of life; as it happens, and should be done with intention. Josie Phene is the woman who constantly remi​nds us that self-care is pa​rt of how we stay healthy, happy, have better relationships and manage our daily stress.

Josie Phene is the voice that encourages you to take care of yourself, set boundaries, say no and advises you to "unplug". Her voice is the voice that seeped into our conversations to birth Josie Phene's Tub Tea and Peace. 


Even if you are at the beginning of your self-care journey, reclaiming self-care practices lost in the last generation or if you are remembering and nurturing the practices of the women who came before you; gently but fiercely "DO YOU".

Remember, self-care is not optional, it's necessary. Take time out of your day to indulge in "SELF". Put your best foot forward in anything and everything you do. Take time out of your day to SLAY, BREATH, RELEASE, RETREAT and REPEAT!

Enjoy Josie Phene products with pride. 

Owners, Operators and Self-Care Connoisseurs 

AntToura Jane (She) /Owner

"Toura I think you should try this"

Me: "Ok"

"Mama I need you to.....

Me: "Ok"

"I think this is not good for you".

Me: "Ok"

"Babe do you have time to..."

Me: "Yes, ok"

"There's a gathering at the.....this weekend, wanna go?"

Me: "Ok"

This is how I lived my life for a long time. Doing what others wanted me to do, when they wanted me to do it and most of the time how they wanted it done. It was not until I took a look in the mirror one day and did not recognize the person staring back at me. I saw a woman who had the weight of the world on her shoulder, a mask on her face and chains around her mouth. I stared at her for some time. I cried until my eyes were out of tears. I was determined to take control of my life by any means necessary. I realized that I had given more of myself to people than I had given to myself and I was tired, hardly progressing and feeling numb. I was doing way more for other people than I should have.

When I look back I realize I was leading an average life. I did what was expected of me. I suppressed my talents, my thoughts and never allowed myself to dream big. I started setting boundaries, saying "Yes I can, but not today", I started sharing my parental duties. I stopped overextending myself. I started saying "no" and not attending every event I was invited to. As much as I valued my superwoman abilities, I mustered the courage and killed the ego and turned in my cape trading it all in for my big hoop earrings and vintage shades and extensive time with myself.

I took time and energy to renew my spirit, body and mind. I can truly say that self-care is an extensive but rewarding journey; but it can also be very messy at times. I realized that  self-care takes effort, transparency, practice and commitment. I accepted the power invested in me, put one foot in front of the other and began the journey to self-care.

Maria F, (HER), Owner

My story is like the story of so many. There was a time in my life I looked after others constantly and forgot about me. Because I am a natural nurturer, I was always making sure everyone around me was alright, had everything they needed and was there when they needed me the most. I felt fine being there for everyone, but in the midst of it all, I could never find time to be there for myself. I truly lost my identity. I really had it in my mind that my purpose here on earth was strictly to serve others and the events that would occur in my life next would only prove it.

I lost my mom in a car accident and my entire life changed and I was still left the responsibility of being the care-taker for my father, who had a stroke the day after her funeral and my elderly aunt and uncle who were also ill. 

My life was definitely no longer my own. There were times, I felt like I was going to lose my mind. 

My sister/friend and now business partner who I have known for over 15 years was becoming a certified life coach. Her final exam was to record a session with an individual for 30 minutes. We didn't make it past 15 minutes because the conversation got real and emotional. It was no longer about the assignment. It was more about me. She stopped the session and asked me "Who do you say are?". Her next question was, "What do you want in life?" After explaining to her the best way I could, she then asked me, "What does taking care of you look like, describe it to me". 

As I began, to answer her questions, I realized that none of my answers included me. I could not say who I was and I truly could not say I loved myself. That was my "Wake Up Chic" moment. 

I decided to take my life back and take care of the person who mattered the most-"ME".  I began taking time out to rediscover, recreate and redefine who I was and who I wanted to be. 

Today, I can truly say, I put myself first without guilt. This new journey includes me taking care of myself selfishly, lovingly and spiritually. 

Walk the walk with me and Josie Phene. 

© 2020 Josie Phene, LLC

© 2020 Josie Phene, LLC

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